Why Simply Berkey?
Updated: Sep 21, 2020
Welcome to Simply Berkey!
We are extremely excited to be Canada's newest Authorized Berkey Dealer! As Berkey users for the last several years, we have become convinced of the importance of clean and purified water if we are to achieve optimal health. We have become passionate about helping others learn the importance of pure water that is free of contaminants and toxins.
Water has become... complex, to say the least. While water treatment is obviously an important aspect of everyday life, it does not come without potential issues.
Water has various chemicals added to it for disinfection including chlorine, chlorine dioxide, monochloramine, among others.
Other chemicals are yet added for various other treatment of water.
In addition, many other minerals and chemicals may be found in drinking water in small amounts simply due to the system that manages distribution. This includes, lead, copper, zinc, Polyvinylchloride, etc.
There is also the potential for various herbicides and pesticides to leech into the water system, or into well water, in small amounts that should be considered.
While all of these additives and contaminants are monitored by most treatment facilities, detectable levels are often still in water even after passing through testing and treatment facilities.
The complexity of water treatment is necessary, but not perfect; and certainly not simple.
Berkey Systems simplifies your drinking water.
No more worries about accidental contaminants, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, disinfectants, or other toxins that may be harmful to the human body.
When your use Berkey, you know you'll be drinking simply water.
That's why Simply Berkey.